I’ve always wanted to try out branding photography, which basically means taking photos of someone so that they can use the photos for their business. I got my chance when Ileami and I met through social media last month. She recently started her blog, which is a perfect opportunity to get some photos taken to use on her website and social media platforms.
Ileami and I met in Old Town Alexandria – I picked this location on purpose because it’s a spot I know well, and I knew we could very easily get a wide variety of shots with all of the different buildings and views we could choose from as backgrounds.
Ileami is an Instagram influencer approaching 10k followers (www.instagram.com/alienlatina), and she also recently launched her blog (www.alienlatina.com). Her content is all about merging her native Salvadorian culture with the American culture, and supporting other Latinas who also identify with both Hispanic and American cultures.
It was different from other portrait sessions I’ve done because I was thinking a lot about her brand and how she would use the photos for her Instagram and blog. I learned a lot about what kinds of photos work best for Instagram, and we worked together to try to take inspiration from influencers similar to Ileami.
I included a lot more negative space in my photos than I would normally do, and tried to find backgrounds that had interesting textures and colors that would work well together in an Instagram feed or blog post.
For example, vertical photos tend to get better engagement on Instagram, since a vertical photo will take up more real estate on a user’s screen.
I’m hoping to take what I learned and apply it to my own social media feeds! (my instagram is www.instagram.com/katherinefairbanks)
I took photos in a lot of new places I usually never to go in Old Town, and got to experiment with a new way of taking portraits. I loved the opportunity to not only meet fellow creative entrepreneur, but push myself as a photographer to try new things.